Tuesday, 10 November 2015

How To Post To Blogger From Your Cell Phone

. Let’s face it, the world ofmobile technology is fastbecoming more integratedwith the Internet universe. Iremember barely three yearsago, when I walked into acellphone store and beggedthe sales guy to find me amobile phone that I could useto visit the eBay website whileat antique auctions. I knewthat having access tocompleted auction prices oneBay would give me acompetitive advantage. Thesales rep’s response was:“Yeah, I know man…thetechnology is almost there. Itwon’t be long now.”So I went on my way, angrythat mobile technologycouldn’t keep up with my ultra-geek needs. Just a few yearslater, mobile technology hasadvanced to the point wherevisiting a website as simple aseBay is child’s play. Today youcan check movie showtimes,email videos clips and pictures(captured with the phoneitself) to your friends andfamily, and you can useapplications like Fring to chatwith your IM buddies withoutusing up a single minute ofyour cellphone time.Now you can moblog withBlogger.One of the relatively newestmobile Internet advances is aphenomenon known as“Moblogging,” or mobileblogging. The way this worksdepends on which bloggingplatform that you use, butgenerally it involves sending atext message or an email to aparticular address, and thatmessage is automaticallyrouted to your blog as aninstant update. Why wouldanyone want to blog from theircellphone? If you consider thepossibilities, it’s pretty obvioushow this can come in handy.The possibilities are limitedonly by your own imagination.Ads by GoogleHow to Post To BloggerWith Your Cell phoneMany websites that provide formobile functionality requirecellphone users to have anexpensive data plan for theircellphone account. However,Google found a way to provideall cellphone users with theability to moblog with nothingmore than a textmessage. However, if you dohave a data plan, Google alsooffers the ability to post evenmore content, includingimages, to your blog by simplyemailing your post to a specialBlogger email account.Step 1 – Register For A MobileBlogSetting up your phone tomoblog with Blogger is verysimple. First, you just need toeither text or email a message“REGISTER” togo@blogger.com from yourphone. In my case, I have adata plan, so I used Yahoo Goto send the email to Blogger.Within barely thirty seconds ofsending the email, I receivedthe following response backfrom Blogger.A few seconds after receivingthis response, I received asecond response with my newblog name and the claim code.This code is how you canconnect this particular devicewith any blog you like.Step 2 – Enable Your MobileBlog With The Claim TokenThe next step is to use thecode to claim your new blog.To do this, get on any regularcomputer (not your mobiledevice) and visitgo.blogger.com. On the rightside of the page you’ll find thisSign In area.Enter in the claim code thatBlogger just emailed to you,enter the human code belowit, and then click continue.Step 3 – Configure yourexisting blog as your mobileblogIf you sent the “REGISTER”command with the same emailaddress that you used toregister existing blogs withBlogger, the system willrecognize that you have otherblogs, and provide you withthe option to connect yourmobile device with thoseblogs.The new blog assigned to mymobile device was owlnut631,but on this screen, Bloggerrecognizes that I have threeother blogs and offers theoption to change where mymobile posts are published.Finally, I click “Switch to BetterContent,” and I’m done withthe registration and set upprocess.If you don’t have any otherblogs, then you can keep thedefault blog that Bloggercreated for you as your newmobile blog. Also, if you sentthe “REGISTER” commandfrom a different email address,you’ll need to go into yourmobile blog and modify the“Mobile Devices” setupdisplayed on your BloggerDashboard page.How to Make a MobileBlog PostNow that the mobile account isset up to forward posts to thecorrect blog, all you need todo is make a post! If you aresending Instant Messages togo@blogger.com to createyour posts, the procedure ispretty straightforward. TheMMS text you type in becomesthe post. If you send an emailfrom your phone, you have alittle more flexibility.If you send an email from yourphone to go@blogger.com, thesubject becomes the post title,the body becomes the postitself, and you can even insertpictures as you would with aregular blog post. To test itout, I sent the following emailto go@blogger.com.After sending off the email,within just a few seconds Ireceived confirmation backfrom the Blogger gateway thatthe post was successful. Icouldn’t believe it posted sofast, but sure enough, when Ichecked my blog I discoveredthe post.This is the first time I’ve everseen the capability to convertdata from a mobile phone intoa web page soquickly. However, this sort oftechnology is booming. Now,you can also share photos, orpost to YouTube, eBay, orFacebook . There’s no end insight to both the possibilitiesand the potential for this kindof technology that integratesyour mobile world with youronline world. Today, therereally is no such thing as being“offline.”Do you post to your blog withyour cellphone? If so, whathave been your experienceswith it? Good? Bad? Whatabout moblogging to otherblogging platforms such asWordPress? Does anyone haveany advice on how to go aboutit?Ads by GoogleWritten by Ryan DubeJanuary 8, 2009Post updates to a blog whileyou’re hiking theAppalachian trail.Update your family withmobile snapshots of you andyour friends at Spring Break(or maybe not…)Investigative journalists caninstantly publish breakingnews to a news blog beforeanyone else.Publish a snapshot of thatUFO to your blog before theFBI can confiscate yourphone. The possibilities are limitedonly by your own imagination. ======================= ======================= How to Post To BloggerWith Your Cell phoneMany websites that provide formobile functionality requirecellphone users to have anexpensive data plan for theircellphone account. However,Google found a way to provideall cellphone users with theability to moblog with nothingmore than a textmessage. However, if you dohave a data plan, Google alsooffers the ability to post evenmore content, includingimages, to your blog by simplyemailing your post to a specialBlogger email account.Step 1 – Register For A MobileBlogSetting up your phone tomoblog with Blogger is verysimple. First, you just need toeither text or email a message“REGISTER” togo@blogger.com from yourphone. In my case, I have adata plan, so I used Yahoo Goto send the email to Blogger. . ====================== ====================== Within barely thirty seconds ofsending the email, I receivedthe following response backfrom Blogger. . ======================== ======================== A few seconds after receivingthis response, I received asecond response with my newblog name and the claim code.This code is how you canconnect this particular devicewith any blog you like.Step 2 – Enable Your MobileBlog With The Claim TokenThe next step is to use thecode to claim your new blog.To do this, get on any regularcomputer (not your mobiledevice) and visitgo.blogger.com. On the rightside of the page you’ll find thisSign In area. . ======================= ======================= Enter in the claim code thatBlogger just emailed to you,enter the human code belowit, and then click continue.Step 3 – Configure yourexisting blog as your mobileblogIf you sent the “REGISTER”command with the same emailaddress that you used toregister existing blogs withBlogger, the system willrecognize that you have otherblogs, and provide you withthe option to connect yourmobile device with thoseblogs. . ======================== ======================== The new blog assigned to mymobile device was owlnut631,but on this screen, Bloggerrecognizes that I have threeother blogs and offers theoption to change where mymobile posts are published.Finally, I click “Switch to BetterContent,” and I’m done withthe registration and set upprocess.If you don’t have any otherblogs, then you can keep thedefault blog that Bloggercreated for you as your newmobile blog. Also, if you sentthe “REGISTER” commandfrom a different email address,you’ll need to go into yourmobile blog and modify the“Mobile Devices” setupdisplayed on your BloggerDashboard page.How to Make a MobileBlog PostNow that the mobile account isset up to forward posts to thecorrect blog, all you need todo is make a post! If you aresending Instant Messages togo@blogger.com to createyour posts, the procedure ispretty straightforward. TheMMS text you type in becomesthe post. If you send an emailfrom your phone, you have alittle more flexibility.If you send an email from yourphone to go@blogger.com, thesubject becomes the post title,the body becomes the postitself, and you can even insertpictures as you would with aregular blog post. To test itout, I sent the following emailto go@blogger.com. . ======================== ======================== After sending off the email,within just a few seconds Ireceived confirmation backfrom the Blogger gateway thatthe post was successful. Icouldn’t believe it posted sofast, but sure enough, when Ichecked my blog I discoveredthe post. . ======================= ======================= This is the first time I’ve everseen the capability to convertdata from a mobile phone intoa web page soquickly. However, this sort oftechnology is booming. Now,you can also share photos, orpost to YouTube, eBay, orFacebook . There’s no end insight to both the possibilitiesand the potential for this kindof technology that integratesyour mobile world with youronline world. Today, therereally is no such thing as being“offline.”Do you post to your blog withyour cellphone? If so, whathave been your experienceswith it? Good? Bad? Whatabout moblogging to otherblogging platforms such asWordPress? Does anyone haveany advice on how to go aboutit?

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