Wednesday, 18 November 2015
Google Labelled Your Site As Hacked? Here's How To Fix It
Is your
in search
as a 'hacked' website even
though there's nothing wrong
with it? There isn't cause for
concern, because it might not
be something 'hidden' that
you apparently can't detect.
Google is reportedly working
on a new hacked page
classifier, and as a result, a
number of websites are
getting incorrectly marked as
'hacked' in search results.
This was acknowledged by
Google's John Mueller on
We're slowly rolling
out a new hacked
page classifier and
noticed a small
number of
We're sorry for any
trouble this may
have caused -- we
are working on
addressing the
Obviously, this is a very
serious problem, because
nobody in their right mind
would visit a hacked or
malicious website
intentionally, right? So if your
website has been effected,
here's what you do.
How to tell when your
website is effected?
First, do a quick search for
your site and see if a line of
blue text appears underneath
the title tag reading “This site
may be hacked.” If you don’t
see that line, you’re good. If
you do see that line, and
you’re certain your site is not
hacked, here’s what you can
do to fix it.
Fixing the problem
All you have to do is, fill out a
Google docs form for
misclassification of your
website. The link is given
Google docs form for
misclassified websites
One you fill it out, someone
at Google will review it and
remove the label if your site
is in fact safe. It is not clear
how long you’d have to wait
before Google removes the
label on your site, but
hopefully they are quick
about it.
Mueller recommends getting
someone who is experienced
in working with hacked sites
to double-check whether or
not your site is really hacked,
because that’s a whole other
issue you’ll need to deal with.
If you have any further
questions, please feel free to
create a new thread in our
help forum, and we'll try to
help you our over there.
Leave your responses in the
comments section below.
How To Get Your Content Displayed In Google Quick Answer Box?
box -
for the casual searcher,
creates a lot of challenges for
webmasters. On the one
hand, if your content is used
by the Quick Answer box, you
get prominence. But at the
same time, if users can get
their questions answered on
the SERPs, why would they
click through to your site,
right? Their utility is
debatable. Today, however,
we will talk about how to get
your content displayed on
Google's Quick Answer box.
The Google Knowledge Graph
is what powers certain
components on a search
results page, and the quick
answers box is just one of
those components. Semantic
markup, like that provided by, is just one way
to help communicate what’s
on a page to search engines.
According to;
On-page markup
enables search
engines to
understand the
information on web
pages and provide
richer search
results in order to
make it easier for
users to find
relevant information
on the web. Markup
can also enable
new tools and
applications that
make use of the
Getting featured in Google
Knowledge Graph
Here are some things that
can help you get featured in
Google Knowledge Graph.
Implement structured
data on your website
Use nouns (i.e., entities)
in your writing when it’s
natural to do so
Link to relevant sites
Get featured in Wikipedia
Wikipedia is an example of
data organization done right -
the way Google likes to use.
Google likes organized, easily
accessible data. That’s why
merging everything you know
about SEO best practices with
useful content and structured
data can help you show up in
Knowledge Graph-powered
Here are some tips for
optimizing for the answer
Select a topic that’s
interesting for your users
Create quality content
relevant to the theme
(use “buyer persona”
studies, focus groups, and
engagement analytics to
determine the content
Structure the page with
user experience in mind
Where relevant, clearly
define a how-to list,
including the phrase “how
to” in content and bullet
points clearly present
Implement SEO practices
like basic on-page
optimization, theme-
relevant cross-linking and
technical SEO tactics
This is still a new feature, and
optimizing for the Knowledge
Graph in general is still fairly
novel for many, We'll be
sharing in-depth articles
about optimizing for the
Knowledge Graph. One I'd
particularly like to talk about
is Wikipedia and its
importance for ranking well
on Google. So stay tuned for
some really useful posts :)
Google Testing A New Label For Slow Websites In Search Results
Site load
was all
the rage
a few
ago, and was considered as a
plus point. In fact, it became
an important search ranking
factor in 2010. But what
about all the SEO
developments over the
years? The paradigm must
have shifted? Well, it sure
has, onto content quality and
usability. So should you still
focus on a fast load speed, or
will an average speed do the
Over the years, Google has
released and perfected many
pagespeed tools to help
analyze and improve your
page load speed. Fast loading
websites lead to higher
visitor engagement, retention
and conversions. The first 3
seconds are extremely
important for a website to
retain a visitor. The more
visitors leave your blog, the
higher your bounce rate
grows and the lesser your ad
Now, it has become more
important than ever to have a
decent loading time. Google
is currently testing out a new
red-colored label within
search results for slow-
loading websites. This red
label will indicate when a
particular webpage is slow to
load, thereby warning the
users before they click over
to that site.
Check out an image of search
results below.
Note that this update is
currently limited to the
mobile version of search. If
that remains the case, then
mobile optimization could
play a part here. Even if a
website is loading fast on
desktop, it may not
necessarily be set up to load
equally fast on a mobile
device, and vice-versa.
First, let us look at the
simplest scenario. If your
website contains graphics,
blocking scripts and heavy
media content, it is bound to
slow down the page. Such a
page will be labelled anyway.
However, even if that isn't
the case, it could be that
your website is not
configured to handle mobile
properly. In the wake of
responsive design, too many
extra scripts can weigh down
the processor on a mobile,
thus slowing down the
loading speed.
Google To Rank Sites Based On Accuracy Of Information
In recent
increasingly focused towards
the quality of search results
pages. It always was, but
there has been talk of new
ranking signals being
incorporated into the search
engine. Where certain signals
were merely guidelines in the
past, they'll soon geared to
become direct signals. One
example is mobile-friendly
design. Another is security.
This leads us to believe that a
major algorithm update might
be in order pretty soon.
Latest rumors have it that
Google may start counting
the accuracy of information
as a ranking signal.
According to a paper
published by researchers
within the company, it may
now value accuracy over the
quality of backlinks.
Knowledge-Based Trust
Google is working on a
system where it can
determine the
trustworthiness of a page not
by who is linking to it, or how
many incoming links it has,
but by the number of facts it
How it works
A score, called a Knowledge-
Based Trust score, would be
computed for each page by
cross-referencing the content
with facts stored in Google’s
Knowledge Vault. The
Knowledge Vault is a
database of 2.8 billion facts
extracted from the web, and
is the primary source of
information behind the boxes
that appear on the right side
of some searches.
The more facts contained on
a page, the better it will rank.
In instances where few facts
are found on a page, Google
will check the accuracy of
other content contained on
the site to determine how
well it can be trusted overall.
So far in test conditions,
Knowledge-Based Trust score
has been able to reliably
predict the trustworthiness of
millions of websites. This
sounds impressive on paper,
and I’m sure the SEO
community would appreciate
an alternative to links as a
ranking signal. However, a lot
of questions remain
For one, not every website
exists to report facts, so how
will trustworthiness be
determined in those cases?
Well that’s when the research
paper says Knowledge-Based
Trust isn’t necessarily a
replacement for current
ranking signals, but a
supplement to them.
There is also cause for
concern for pages written
around new technology and
new discoveries, with
information that hasn’t yet
been entered into Google’s
Knowledge Graph. If Google
started to rely on Knowledge-
Based trust to rank web
pages, would it then focus
additional effort on revising
and updating the Knowledge
We are eagerly looking
towards Google for answers.
What do you think about this
new development? Share
your views in the comments
section below!
Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin Makes Your Website Vulnerable!
According to a latest news,
the popular Yoast SEO
WordPress Plugin has a major
vulnerability that makes a
website susceptible to blind
SQL injections. This is a very
popular plugin that is used by
over 14 million websites.
Reportedly, all versions of
SEO by Yoast prior to
are vulnerable to Blind SQL
Injection web application
flaw. This is an alarming
news for those that use this
plugin, because it could
seriously compromise the
data on their website.
According to Mohit Kumar of
Hacker News:
“Basically in SQLi
attack, an attacker
inserts a malformed
SQL query into an
application via
client-side input.
However, in this
scenario, an outside
hacker can’t trigger
this vulnerability
itself because the
flaw actually
resides in the
file, which is
authorized to be
accessed by
WordPress Admin,
Editor or Author
privileged users
Therefore, in order
to successfully
exploit this
vulnerability, it is
required to trigger
the exploit from
authorized users
only. This can be
achieved with the
help of social
engineering, where
an attacker can
trick authorized
user to click on a
specially crafted
payload exploitable
So in other words, WordPress
admins can be tricked into
clicking on links that would
then trigger an SQLi attack.
After the attack, the attacker
could then add their own
admin account to the
vulnerable WordPress site
and do whatever they want
with it.
Everyone who has SEO by
Yoast installed is not going to
be automatically affected by
this. The attack can only be
manually triggered by a
WordPress admin, editor, or
author who clicks on a
dangerous link created by the
In addition, this is something
that can easily fixed by
updating your plugin to the
latest version. The Yoast
team promptly patched the
exploit upon being notified,
and the newest version
(1.7.4) is said to fix the
problem. The Premium
version of the plugin has also
been updated.
Security fix: fixed
possible CSRF and
blind SQL injection
vulnerabilities in
bulk editor. Added
strict sanitation to
order_by and order
params. Added
extra nonce checks
on requests sending
Minimal capability
needed to access
the bulk editor is
now Editor. Thanks
Ryan Dewhurst
from WPScan for
discovering and
disclosing this
In the future, you can have
plugin updates taken care of
automatically by going to the
Manage > Plugins & Themes
> Auto Updates tab. It is
strongly recommended that
you update all SEO and
security plugins on your
websites as soon as possible.
Stay safe!
Major WordPress Plugins Making Websites Vulnerable
Are you
WordPress to run one of your
websites? If yes, then you
need to read through.
According to a latest warning
by a security company, a
number of WordPress plugins
are vulnerable to a security
flaw, which could
compromise your website
and leave it open for
malicious attacks. These are
some of the major plugins
that you are likely to have
installed on your websites. If
so, then immediate action is
The warning was issued by
WordPress Security
watchdogs Sucuri. According
to them, this is a major
security flaw that is shared
by many WordPress plugins,
some of which are quite
popular. According to them;
“Cross-site Scripting
(XSS) due to the
misuse of the
add_query_arg() and
functions. These are
popular functions
used by developers to
modify and add query
strings to URLs within
Apparently, the problem was
that the official WordPress
Official Documentation for
these functions was not very
clear, which led to many
plugin developers using them
in an insecure way.
To date, this is the list of
affected plugins:
WordPress SEO
Google Analytics by
All In one SEO
Gravity Forms
Multiple Plugins from
Easy Digital
Download Monitor
Related Posts for
My Calendar
P3 Profiler
Multiple iThemes
products including
Builder and Exchange
Ninja Forms
As you can see, some of
these plugins are very
popular and used by millions
of websites. If you use any of
the above plugins, it’s
recommended that you
update them immediately.
This vulnerability was initially
discovered last week, which
has allowed for time for the
flaws to be patched. Sucuri
reports that all plugins have
been patched, and as of this
morning updates should be
available to all users.
As an additional caution,
plugins beyond what’s listed
above may be vulnerable to
the same security flaw, and
have just not been detected
yet. With that in mind, it’s
best to keep all of your
plugins updated just in case.
Stay safe :)
How Has Google's Mobile Friendly Update Affected Websites?
out a new mobile friendly
update to its mobile search
algorithm. This was aimed at
significantly changing the
mobile search results to give
preference to mobile ready
web sites over non mobile
ready ones. Experts jokingly
termed it 'Mobilegeddon',
because all signs indicated
that it is a major change in
many years, and will
significantly impact websites.
But a week after the launch,
has it really been such a
significant update?
Thus far, the algorithm
doesn't seem to have had as
big of an impact as we
Google confirmed in the
Webmaster Central blog that
the roll out began on
Tuesday, April 21st. Some
experts started seeing a
difference as early as the
22nd. Some websites such as
SEJ even published a list of
top winners and losers from
this mobile friendly update.
However, in many cases,
these changes were merely
slight disturbances, and not
very significant shifts. Several
SEO metric companies such
as Searchmetrics are
tracking the update and for
the most part, they are not
seeing huge shifts in the
Google mobile ranking
algorithm just yet.
This is not to say that
websites haven't been
affected. Quite the contrary.
Some websites certainly
seem to be losing and some
taking advantage. But
compared to overall search
volume for major keywords,
the change isn't huge.
However, Google has said
that the roll out can last a
week more yet. So maybe we
just need to wait a little
According to Moz, "so far, the
big day was April 22nd, and it
wasn't that big." Peter
Meyers from Moz has been
tracking mobile search
results rankings for a set of
top keywords, and according
to him, the punch of the
update hasn't fallen, not as
yet anyway.
Credits: Moz Blog
Some experts reckon that
Mobilegeddon is here.
According to Searchmetrics,
'visible trends can be seen in
the new data'. But for the
most part, the webmaster
community hasn’t been too
impressed with the level of
significance in the mobile
results. Ryan Heuser from
seoClarity noted a variance
of only 5.1% in Google mobile
search results.
This means that most are not
noticing significant changes
to the mobile search rankings
yet. Again, that might change
over the course of the next
week. With that said, there is
still time to make your site
mobile friendly
What Is The Best Way To Optimize Webpage URLs?
is an
important part of SEO that is
underestimated by many.
Beyond putting keywords into
the URL, many don't give it
second thought. And yet, it is
one of the simplest and most
important things to optimize,
and plays an important part
in search results. Today, we
will discuss some URL
optimization techniques to
improve your websites'
When talking about URL
structures, a few things come
to mind, namely the URL
length, keywords, sub-
directories, special
characters, and the effect of
each of them on direct traffic
as well as search visibility.
Let's start with the simplest
of them all.
URL Length
The URL length isn't a game
changer in search rankings,
but it still is an important
factor. Not to say that long
URLs don't rank well - they
can because it ultimately
boils down to the content. But
on average, the dominating
search results mostly
average between 35-40
Not only that, the URL length
is a major contributor when it
comes to direct traffic - i.e.
people who come over by
typing the URL into their
browsers. The shorter the
URL, the easier it is to
URLs often contain many sub-
directories/sub-folders. This
very page you are on
contains two. 2015/ and 05/.
As far as hierarchies go, it is
OK to have as few as you
want, or as many as you can
manage. There is no co-
relation between the number
of sub-directories and search
rankings. However, there are
a few things to keep in mind.
Generally, from the user-
friendliness aspect, it is
considered as a good
practice to keep it simple. It
accounts for more direct
traffic. Also, it is advisable to
keep numbers out of URLs,
and generally go with easy to
read words. For blog posts,
you can either use a dated
structure such as,
or category structure such as
Personally, I prefer the latter,
but you can go either way.
Also, make sure that the
images you upload are
named properly, so that when
opened, their URL is readable
and looks decent.
Having a keyword within your
domain name and URL is a
declining factor in rankings. It
is becoming less important
over time since Google is
placing more emphasis on
other search factors. When
you create URLs within your
site, don’t worry about
making them keyword rich. It
doesn’t hurt to add keywords
if it makes sense, but you
shouldn't stuff your URLs with
keywords, or they will seem
Special Characters
Sometimes you see strange
characters in URLs such as
&, %, $, and @. It is more
difficult for search engines to
crawl websites if their URLs
contain a lot of these special
characters. Consider the fact
that Google has gone on
record to state that you
should be using dashes over
underscores because it
affects how their search
engine reads the keywords in
your URL. This is how
seriously you should take
these special characters.
According to an estimate by
Neil Patel, only about 0.2% of
high ranking URLs have
special characters in them.
If you are using images, don't
let spaces come in when you
name them. "autumn-sunset"
is better than "autumn
sunset" because the space
gets replaced by special
Long story short, optimizing
your URLs can't hurt your
rankings. However, don't
focus too much of your
marketing efforts on your
URL structure because it
doesn’t impact rankings as
much as backlinks or content
quality. It is just there to give
you a small edge, so might as
well avail it when you can.
First Steps To Recovering From Google's Mobilegeddon
Mobilegeddon is the
nickname give to Google's
latest mobile-friendly search
algorithm that promised to
uproot rankings for websites
that weren't mobile-friendly.
But in reality, it’s not quite as
potent. We recently
discussed the effects of this
algorithm thus far on
websites, and they have not
been catastrophic as Google
has threatened. However, a
lot of websites did get hit.
Let's talk about how to take
the first steps towards
recovering from this penalty.
Mobilegeddon is the next big
thing in Google algorithm
updates. Unlikes Panda,
Penguin, Pigeon,
Hummingbird and the other
algorithms, you might have
noticed it’s not an animal
name. This is because the
people who name things
aren’t really consistent or
original. Don’t worry about it.
This particular update, as the
moniker implies, deals
heavily with mobile SEO.
Specifically, it makes “being
mobile-friendly” a ranking
factor. If your site is mobile
friendly, congratulations;
you’re perfectly safe. If your
site isn’t mobile-friendly,
you’ll be hit by the penalty,
which might be pretty bad
depending on how far from
mobile friendly you are.
What does Mobile
Friendly Mean?
Google has a list of mobile
guidelines, but they can all
be summarized fairly easily.
Avoid anything that
doesn’t work on
mobile. This means Flash,
primarily, though it also
includes custom code and
JavaScript that doesn’t
render properly.
Use text that’s properly
sized for small devices.If
the user has to zoom in just
to read your site, it’s not
going to be very useful to
them, and they’ll find
another resource.
The same goes for other
content. Make sure
everything fits on the
screen. If the user has to
scroll horizontally, you’re
going to earn a penalty.
Make sure your links and
navigation are spaced
out and easy to use. The
user should never be able
to “fat finger” the wrong
link because two are too
close together.
If you want to test to see if
your site is mobile friendly,
you can use Google’s testing
Fixing a Mobile Penalty
Step 1: Figure out how bad
the hit to your traffic was.
The Mobilegeddon update
rolls out over the course of a
week, so choose a 2-week
period both before and after
the date to get an idea of
your traffic. Use whatever
analytics program you want,
though Google Analytics is
probably the best for
diagnosing a Google penalty.
If your traffic wasn’t actually
hit all that hard, you can get
away with taking your time
on a mobile update. Of
course, you’ve had plenty of
time already.
Step 2: Determine the scale
of the changes you need to
make. This is a pretty
complex step, and step three
will depend on what you
determine here.
Step 3: Implement whatever
level of fix you need to. This
might mean tweaking your
existing site, or it might mean
implementing an entirely new
responsive redesign. How
quickly you need it, and how
harshly it hurts you to not
have it, depends on how
badly you were hit. If you’re
using WordPress, WP Touch
Pro is an easy solution.
At the smallest level, use
tools like
Google’s pagespeed ranking
to see if your site is fine, but
just a little slow. Sometimes
you’ll see a drop in traffic
because your mobile site is a
little slow, but there’s nothing
technically wrong with it. Just
work to speed up your side
by making code a little more
streamlined, maybe cutting a
bit of the heavier multimedia
content, that sort of thing.
A step up the chain, maybe
you have a mobile site but it
breaks several of Google’s
best practices. Maybe you
have too many links and
they’re too close together. If
your links are hard to tap
accurately, you’ll be
penalized. Remove or space
out your links. The same goes
for too-small fonts or
multimedia content that
doesn’t load. You can’t force
iPhone users to view a Flash
site, and Google will penalize
you for it.
At almost the top level, you
have the lack of a mobile site
at all. Maybe users can use
your desktop site via a phone
through liberal use of zoom
and magnification tools, but
at least it functions. You’ll be
penalized pretty hard for this,
but the most necessary
visitors can still use your site.
Take the time to develop a
responsive redesign, and
hurry to implement it, but
make sure it works before
you throw up some hastily
and shoddily coded
The absolute top level is
when you have a no mobile
site at all, and your desktop
site doesn’t work for mobile
devices. This might be
because it’s too small or
hidden behind code a mobile
device can’t parse. This also
affects heavily Flash-based
sites. If this is the case, you
might as well be completely
deindexed from the mobile
search results. You have
some serious work to do to
get your traffic back, though
to be fair, you probably didn’t
have anything other than
bounces from mobile sources
to begin with.
2 ways To Fix XML Parsing Errors in Blogger
Most often when you insert a
Facebook JavaScript or
AdSense JavaScript in your
blogger template editor, you
often come across XML
Parsing errors that prompts
and says "The reference to
entity "version" must end
with the ';' delimiter." Blogger
blogs are coded in XHTML
and XML is quite strict in
following correct syntax
formatting than HTML. XML is
surely unforgiving in this
case. Blogger interprets all
your document as XML rather
than as HTML. XML is
PCDATA (Parsed Character
Data) by default which means
that XML parsers will
normally parse all the text in
a document. As a result when
we insert JavaScript inside
blogspot templates, all script
inside the JavaScript tags is
treated as a text and due to
the presence of some illegal
special characters like "<" ,
">" and "&" , you often face
the following error:
Error parsing XML,
line 1458, column
64: The reference
to entity "version"
must end with the
';' delimiter.
What are the special
characters in XML that
causes error?
XML is a human readable
form of textual data. It parses
all the text in a document
and gives errors for the
following 5 special
1. (<) - less than
2. (&) - ampersand
3. (>) - greater than
4. (") - double-quote
5. (') - apostrophe or single-
The following three are more
"<" will generate an error
because the parser
interprets it as the start
of a new element.
">" will generate an error
because the parser
interprets it as the end of
a start-tag or an end-tag
"&" will generate an error
because the parser
interprets it as the start
of a character entity.
Two ways to fix XML errors in
XML errors can be avoided by
using two methods:
1. Use CDATA
2. Escape HTML entities
1. Use CDATA
The term CDATA refers to
(Unparsed) Character Data
which is used about text data
that should not be parsed by
the XML parser. To avoid
errors, all script code is
enclosed inside a CDATA
section. Everything inside a
CDATA section including the
5 special characters is
ignored by the parser.
A CDATA section starts with
" ":
Next time when you add your
Facebook code, enclose it
inside CDATA as shown
All your script code will exists
inside the CDATA and blogger
editor will not parse the
script code and thus wont
give any errors.
The reason why Facebook
script gives errors in blogger
is due to the presence of a
special character ( &) that is
used before the variable
"version" as highlighted in
the code above. "&" will
generate an error because
the XML parser interprets it
as the start of a character
entity and thus it prompts an
error that says:
The reference to
entity " version"
must end with the
';' delimiter.
2. Escape HTML entities
Another simple method is to
escape all 5 special
characters and instead use
the legal characters as
alternatives to the above 5.
Replace < with <
Replace > with >
Replace " with "
Replace ' with '
Replace & with &
PS: Note how every
alternative character set
ends with a delimiter (;)
This method will help you
encode your AdSense code
and paste it inside your
template without errors. It
will also help you paste
HTML code inside blogger
comments !
This method is also called as
HTML encoding and we
have built a Special tool for
this purpose to help you
encode HTML characters with
Design Responsive Blogger Templates - Step by Step Guide
Finally we are done with the
most comprehensive and
descriptive tutorial series on
Google powered blogger
blogs. We have discussed the
core basics to create and
develop a mobile responsive
layout using simple CSS3
@media queries and some
built-in scripts. This series
will help you understand the
step-by-step effort involved in
transforming an ordinary
static, inflexible and non-
responsive blogger template
into a fluid and responsive
one that may help you
improve your Mobile Search
traffic and better entertain
your users with a mobile
friendly user-interface (UI). A
Mobile UI is an important SEO
ranking metric and helps you
improve your mobile
pageviews and thereby the
site CTR revenue.
Why bother creating a
responsive design?
Google recently rolled out a
Mobile Friendly update on
April 21, 2015, which boosts
the ranking of mobile-friendly
sites on mobile search
results. Google no longer
favors fixed width layouts and
recommends that all sites
must provide better touch
experience, where text
should be readable without
tapping or zooming, tap
targets are spaced
appropriately and the page
avoids unplayable content or
horizontal scrolling.
Running out of time? Let's
read a brief summary to each
Brief Summary
1. Design a Responsive
Blogger Template
Here we demonstrated what
exactly are responsive
designs and how they are
created using CSS3 @media
screen queries. Normally
mobile browsers emulates a
desktop view by squeezing
big resolutions into small
screens that is often difficult
to read and browse. You must
be familiar that how difficult
it is to click a web link in
iphone unless you zoom it.
Therefore we make sure all
elements on the site from
buttons, links and images/
media provide a better touch
experience. To make them
look big and clean with clear
resolution all that needs to be
done is to add Meta Viewport
tag in the page header and
some CSS3 Media queries
that does all the job.
2. Common Device
Breakpoints For a
Responsive Blogspot
Breakpoints are points at
which your layout design
breaks or crashes.
Breakpoints are CSS3 Media
Queries that tells the browser
which Layout to load for your
website based on the screen
size (viewport). It controls the
display of your user interface
(UI) on mobile devices.
With so many Mobile
Products in market where
each smartphone or tablet
has a different Screen size, it
is important that we select
some Content Specific
Breakpoints so that your
blogspot page may adjust
and fit perfectly to the
different screen sizes and
may not looked squeezed or
poor in resolution
3. Hiding Widgets &
Scripts in Mobile
Templates [1], [2]
Surprisingly blogger
templates supports a rarely
used mobile conditional
expression i.e.
isMobileRequest which is a
Globally Available Data which
can be applied to any HTML
DOM inside the template.
isMobileRequest is a
Boolean Data Type that
accepts only two values
which is either True or False.
It can be used to show or
hide HTML content or widgets
containers in smartphone
devices. It currently does not
support Tablets or iPads etc.
but you can surely use it to
prevent rendering of
unnecessary widgets and
scripts on mobile devices to
speed up your page load time
on small screen devices.
This tag also helps you to
avoid using CSS
Display:none to hide content
on your site which is not a
SEO friendly approach to
responsive designs. Thus it is
really a time saving condition
that gives you more control
and power over the blog
content that loads in mobile
4. Design a Mobile
Responsive Drop Down
Menu for Blogger
The fundamental part of a
responsive design is the
structure of its Header which
includes your blog logo and
navigation menu. This
tutorial shares an easy to use
responsive drop down menu
with a search functionality.
This menu can be displayed
on both PC Desktop screens
and smartphones and tablets.
You can also choose to
maintain your current
desktop menu and instead
chose to use this responsive
menu for mobile screens
only. A simple fix to the most
important component of your
mobile layout.
5. Using Mobile
Friendly Images in
Ever wondered how to make
your blog images to auto
adjust their dimensions in
mobile phones and tablets
without effecting its
resolution and quality?
Images with large sizes often
don't fit in small screen
devices and as a result gives
a bad UI impression. Images
must be fluid in its behavior,
their width and height
dimensions should be stylized
such that they may instantly
change their overall size as
the browser screen goes
smaller or bigger.
Our approach is based on
CSS @media Queries unlike
adaptive image methods
which makes use of
JavaScript of php.
6. Create Mobile
Responsive AdSense
Ads and Safely Hide
AdSense units
Are you among people who
complain about AdSense
responsive Ad units showing
a blank space on your
webpage? If yes then read
this tutorial to fix this blank
rendering issue and better
style your responsive ads for
different screen sizes using
device breakpoints.
7. Make Blog Sections
Responsive: Header
Widgets, Posts +
Sidebar, Footer
Since we have learned the
core basics, now its time to
start customizing different
sections of your blog and
make them auto adapt to
mobile screens. This tutorial
in chunk discusses ways to
mobilize the 4 important
sections of your blog which
1. Header
2. Content area
3. Sidebar
4. Footer
Need Help?
I hope this short summary of
different parts of this major
and longest tutorial will help
you take a helicopter view of
every tools and methods
required to customize your
beautiful blogs into a mobile
supported layout that may
better help your readers to
browse and read your
articles. Thus giving you the
advantage of both pageviews
and search ranking. Let us
know if you need any help
and I would love to answer all
your queries. Peace and
blessings buddies! =)
Display YouTube Video Thumbnails in Blogger
We have reached the stage
of our Blogger JSON tutorial
series where we will learn
how to extract thumbnails
from a YouTube video and
display these featured
thumbnails inside recent
posts widget. YouTube Data
API is an excellent way to
create 3rd party applications
for users that could help
them to search for YouTube
videos, upload videos to
YouTube, and update existing
videos. It also helps you to
retrieve playlists, favorite
videos, and do much more.
Since discussing YouTube API
is beyond the scope of this
tutorial therefore we will only
discuss the thumbnails which
are stored inside the tags
Understanding YouTube Video
Feed is not our concern for
this tutorial series. In this
part we will first discuss the
Thumbnail basic URL
structure and will learn
different techniques of
embedding these thumbnails
inside blog posts but in our
next tutorial we will discuss
how to dynamically display
featured YouTube thumbnails
inside the recent comments
widget via JSON feed by
retrieving the Thumbnail from
the YouTube Iframe.
Extract Thumbnails from a
YouTube Video
Every YouTube Thumbnail
has the following URL
There are a total of 4
thumbnails available
through YouTube API for
each video. Each image is
numbered in this
sequence: 0, 1, 2, 3.
Represented by IMAGE
Each video has its unique
ID represented by VIDEO
I once uploaded a Facebook
Timeline video to my Youtube Channel . This video
is located at
v= tcw10SeE_VQ
Where tcw10SeE_VQ is the
video ID. This is the exact
same URL structure for all
videos on YouTube.
YouTube Data API stores
around 4 thumbnails for each
video. 3 small and one large.
The thumbnails stored for the
above video are located at:
tcw10SeE_VQ/ 0.jpg
1st largest Full size
Default thumbnail Image
with dimensions 480 x 360
tcw10SeE_VQ/ 1.jpg
2nd Small thumbnail
Image with dimensions 120
x 90 (pixels)
tcw10SeE_VQ/ 2.jpg
3rd Small Default
thumbnail Image with
dimensions 120 x 90
tcw10SeE_VQ/ 3.jpg
4rth Small thumbnail
Image with dimensions 120
x 90 (pixels)
Embedding YouTube
Thumbnails in Blog posts
Now lets suppose you want to
publish a video post and you
want to display the thumbnail
Image of your YouTube video
as the featured Image of your
blog post in a SEO friendly
manner. For this all you need
to do is to use the following
image code:
You just need to replace
VIDEO ID with the ID of
your YouTube video URL
Note that I have selected
the 1st Thumbnail image
(i.e. 0.jpg) to display the
largest thumbnail.
You can customize the
width of your image by
simply editing 400px.
Note that the 1st
thumbnail has a width of
Replace "Image
Description" with Image
Display Thumbnails
For simplicity we have only
discussed the static method
of embedding thumbnail
images in blog posts but in
our next tutorial we will
discuss a JavaScript
technique to extract YouTube
Video Images dynamically
from the blogger JSON feed
and will display Video
thumbnails automatically
next to each post containing
a video Iframe.
At present we are only
sharing the technique for
YouTube videos but if you
guys would love to know how
to extract Dailymotion or
Vimeo video Thumbnails
thumbnails also then let me
know so that I may share
those scripts with all of you.
Stay tuned for the next part
which involves some
interesting yet easy
JavaScript programming.
Peace and blessing
buddies! :)
How to Speedup Internet connection using Command Prompt.
Follow below given step for increase
you internet speed.
For windows user
Click on Start
Type cmd in Search program and files
box (Click right click and Run cmd
as Administrator)
Now command prompt will appear
In command prompt go to root
directly "C:\" ( type cd C:\ )
Now type netsh interface tcp set
global autotuning=disabled
Now press Enter button you have
done it.
Now please check the internet speed
on and see
the difference after trick and before
Thanks I hope you like this post.??
you internet speed.
For windows user
Click on Start
Type cmd in Search program and files
box (Click right click and Run cmd
as Administrator)
Now command prompt will appear
In command prompt go to root
directly "C:\" ( type cd C:\ )
Now type netsh interface tcp set
global autotuning=disabled
Now press Enter button you have
done it.
Now please check the internet speed
on and see
the difference after trick and before
Thanks I hope you like this post.??
How to Add Adsense Ads In the Middle or Anywhere inside Blogger Posts
Step 1. First thing we need to
do is to "parse" the AdSense
code, in other words, convert it
to plain text. Then go to
Template, click on the Edit
HTML button, click anywhere
inside the code area and look
for this tag (CTRL + F):
Note: you may find it several
times, but we need to stop at
the second one or if you can't
see any changes, test the third
Step 2. Replace the
tag with
this code:
Step 3. Put the converted
Adsense code to where you see
the annotation, then
save the changes by clicking on
the Save template button.
Note: For centering ads, add
the center tag before and after
the AdSense code, like this:
Step 4. When you create a
New Post, add this tag inside
the HTML section to where you
want the Google AdSense ads
to appear:
For example:
Note: If you don't add the label
to bring up the ad, then the ad
will appear below the title by
And you don't have to worry
about violating the Google's
Terms of Service because
applying this method we are
not changing the structure of
the ad.
do is to "parse" the AdSense
code, in other words, convert it
to plain text. Then go to
Template, click on the Edit
HTML button, click anywhere
inside the code area and look
for this tag (CTRL + F):
Note: you may find it several
times, but we need to stop at
the second one or if you can't
see any changes, test the third
Step 2. Replace the
this code:
Step 3. Put the converted
Adsense code to where you see
the annotation, then
save the changes by clicking on
the Save template button.
Note: For centering ads, add
the center tag before and after
the AdSense code, like this:
Step 4. When you create a
New Post, add this tag inside
the HTML section to where you
want the Google AdSense ads
to appear:
For example:
This is a demo text.
This is a demo text. This is
a demo text. This is a demo
text. This is a demo text.
This is a demo text. This is
a demo text. This is a demo
text. This is a demo text.
This is a demo text.
This is a demo text. This is
a demo text. This is a demo
text. This is a demo text.
This is a demo text. This is
a demo text. This is a demo
text. This is a demo text.
This is a demo text.
is a demo text. This is a
demo text. This is a demo
text. This is a demo text.
This is a demo text. This is
a demo text. This is a demo
text. This is a demo text.
This is a demo text. This is
a demo text.
is a demo text. This is a
demo text. This is a demo
text. This is a demo text.
This is a demo text. This is
a demo text. This is a demo
text. This is a demo text.
This is a demo text. This is
a demo text.
Note: If you don't add the label
to bring up the ad, then the ad
will appear below the title by
And you don't have to worry
about violating the Google's
Terms of Service because
applying this method we are
not changing the structure of
the ad.
Olamide To Drop New Album, Checkout Album Art + Tracklist (Photo)
YBNL’s Boss, Olamide after the
the release of his previous E.P
titled “2 Kings” alongside Phyno,
is set to drop his 5th studio album
titled “Eyan Mayweather”
The album is set to drop on the
23rd of November 2015.
The album would consist of 21
tracks and no artiste is featured on
this one.
See Tracklist Below:-
Lets anticipate!!!
How to remove “powered by Blogger” attribution in new HTML editor
1. Go to and
login to your Blogger
2. Select your blog that you
wish to remove this
3. Now go to template and
click edit HTML
4. Here drop-down “jump to
widget” option and from that
list select Attribution1 as
highlighted below
5. Now in the editor press ctrl + F
and find for this line
6. Now replace the locked=’true’
in to locked=’false’ as you can
see highlighted below
7. Once done click save template
8. Now go to layout option and at
the below you can see
attribution gadget, click edit.
9. In that popup window click
remove and you are done
Now go and view your site
where you won’t see the
“ powered by Blogger”
Your copyright text is also
removed along with powered by
Blogger attribution. To add
copyright text just click add a
gadget in layout settings select
HTML/JavaScript, add your
copyright text and drag and
drop it below. Removing this
powered by Blogger attribution
adds uniqueness to your blog
and it shows your
professionalism. Hope this
helped you??
Pregnant Woman, 2 Children & 7 Others Die In Fatal Crash In Abakaliki Ebonyi State
It was a sad day yesterday as a
pregnant woman, two children
and seven others perished in an
auto crash involving an 18-
seater bus and an articulated
crane lorry belonging to a
Chinese construction firm in
Abakaliki, Ebonyi State capital.
The incident occurred at about
8.45a.m at Ogbe-Awusa
junction along the ever-busy
Onueke-Afikpo Federal Highway
when the bus, belonging to the
Ezza South Mass Transit with
registration number, NKE, 28LG
rammed into the crane lorry
which was making a U- turn on
the road.
The ill fated bus was said to
have loaded from Onueke, Ezza
South council headquarters
coming to Abakaliki when the
incident occurred.
Men of the Federal Road Safety
Corps (FRSC), Ebonyi Sector
Command were at the scene to
save some of the victims,
although it was gathered that
the bus driver died on the spot.
An eyewitness, Mr. Favour
John, who spoke to our
correspondent at the scene,
said “accidents usually happen
all the time at this Ogbe-Awusa
junction. The truck was trying
to turn all the way from Spera
in Deo junction but the bus
driver was on a very high speed
and could not exercise
patience, just like other
commuters who parked and
waited for the lorry to complete
its turning but, because the
driver was on speed, he
rammed into the crane resulting
in this number of casualties.”
Another eyewitness, Chibuike
Nwali also lamented that it was
painful that many passengers
died in an accident many
believed was avoidable.
“The impatience of the driver
led to this accident. The most
painful thing was the death of a
woman and her two kids who
died instantly at the scene. I
was just coming out from my
house and on getting to this
junction, this crane was turning
when the bus rammed into it.”
However, an FRSC official, who
did not want his name in print
revealed that his men on duty
have impounded the same bus
because of dangerous and
reckless driving of the deceased
driver just last week before
yesterday’s incident and
lamented that despite the
efforts of the commission,
commuters still indulged in
reckless driving which poses
great danger to other road
Meanwhile, when contacted,
Caretaker Committee Chairman
of Ezza South Council Area, Mr.
Joseph Egede confirmed the
incident and said the survivors
had been taken to the Federal
Teaching Hospital (FETHA),
Abakaliki, for treatment while
the dead have been deposited
at the mortuary.
[Reported By Daily Sun]
Lagos Policewoman Obotie Adesuwa Arrested For Selling Baby To Couple In Port Harcourt
Sergeant Obotie Adesuwa has
been arrested by officers of the
X-Squad Section of the Lagos
State Police Command after she
allegedly sold a newborn baby
boy brought to the station with
his mentally unstable mother.
Adesuwa who hailed from Benin
city in Edo State was on duty at
Akinpelu Police Division in
Oshodi Lagos in the last week
of September when a Good
Samaritan brought a newborn
baby boy and his mother to the
station from a psychiatric
It was learnt that Adesuwa, who
was on duty, had received the
She allegedly failed to record
the incident in the crime diary
of the day on that fateful
evening. She later took the
baby and his mother to an
undisclosed location where she
handed the baby to a relative
who sold him to a couple in Port
The mother was taken to a bus
station and handed N500 to
take the bus home.
The bubble burst when the
mentally unstable woman
suddenly returned to the station
on November 9 2015 to ask for
her baby which resulted in a
physical fight.
“The DPO was later informed,
and took all of them to the Area
Commander, and then the
female sergeant was arrested
and taken to the Area F
command, Ikeja, from where
she was later transferred to the
X-Squad Section.
The baby has now been
All those involved in the sale
and transportation of the
innocent baby boy have been
Photo: Fatal Accident In Ojota Lagos, 2 Dead, 4 Critically Injured
2 people have been confirmed
dead and four others are in a
critical condition after a trailer
rammed into six other vehicles
in the Ojota area of Lagos
Among the dead were a hawker
and a yet-to-be-identified male
We learnt that the driver of the
trailer lost control while
heading towards China Town,
Oworonshoki Expressway, and
rammed into the vehicles.
Among the vehicles were two
Mazda buses, a Sienna minibus,
a Toyota Highlander, a Toyota
Camry and a Honda car.
An official of the Lagos State
Traffic Management Authority,
who spoke on the condition of
anonymity, said the incident
happened around 12 noon.
[Punch Metro]
Photo: Woman Fakes Pregnancy, Steals Baby In Ogun State, Ifeoluwa Yekini Arrested
A 2-week-old baby boy stolen
from his mother in Ogun State
has been rescued by the police.
Ifeoluwa Yekini was arrested
more than a month after she
faked pregnancy and snatched
a baby from his mother.
Ogun Police PRO Adejobi who
confirmed the incident said the
baby was stolen on October
31st and rescued on November
The police spokesman added
that the suspect had also
deceived her husband into
believing that she was
Adejobi explained that having
succeeded in stealing the baby,
Yekini went into hiding at her
parents’ village from where she
called her husband and his
relations on the phone,
informing them that she had
been delivered of a baby girl.
He said:
“The suspect, who had been
monitoring the mother of the
baby while pregnant, went
under the pretense of
felicitating with the mother in
her house at the same village,
requested to back the baby,
which the mother obliged her.
“She went further by requesting
from the mother to take the
baby out to shop for the little
baby girl.
But at the market, the suspect
decided to run away with the
baby to an unknown place. “The
mother of the baby, after
several efforts to locate her
with the baby, then reported
the case to the police at the
Police Divisional Headquarters
in Ifo for search and necessary
Measles Outbreak In Abuja:10 Children Die At IDPs Camp In Wasa, Vaccination Starts Nov 21
Outbreak of measles in the four
Area Councils of the Federal
Capital Territory (FCT) has
claimed the lives of 10 children.
The Executive Secretary of FCT
Administration Primary Health
Services, Rilwan Mohammed,
disclosed this in Abuja at a
press briefing to announce this
year’s follow-up measles
vaccination which kicks off on
November 21.
Mohammed said the 10 deaths
were recorded at an Internally
Displaced Persons (IDPs) camp
in Wasa, Abuja Municipal Area
Council (AMAC). He said the 10
children were from the 20 cases
recorded so far from the four
Area Councils – AMAC, Abaji,
Bwari and Gwagwalada.
The World Health Organisation
(WHO) said Africa had the
largest deaths from measles
and that Nigeria accounted for
the largest share. The
Executive Secretary, who spoke
through the Deputy Director,
Health Education and
Promotion, Hajia Nana Yusuf,
said the forthcoming follow-up
vaccination exercise was
targeted at reaching 100 per
cent of the children in the FCT.
Mohammed said the last
exercise in 2013 was able to
reach only 65 per cent owing to
poor awareness, cultural and
religious bias which prevented
many mothers from making
their children available for
He said: “Measles is a killer
disease responsible for the
deaths of thousands of Nigerian
children every year.
Measles vaccination campaign
will start in the FCT from
November 21 to 25. Take your
children aged nine months to
five years to the health centre
or vaccination post nearest to
you to be vaccinated even if
they have been vaccinated
[Daily Telegraph]
Nollywood Actress Clarion Chukwurah Debuts Mini TV Series, ‘Footsteps’
Every year, millions of Nigerians
flee their home Country to
become second class citizens
elsewhere in search of a better
quality of life. Yesterday, they
prepared to pack their bags to
return to a transformed Nigeria
but they were disappointed.
Today, they have been
promised CHANGE, but do they
believe it? In search of
answers..follow my Footsteps.
non governmental organisation
passionate about improvement
of the quality of life in Africa
mini television series on the
Nigerians in the diaspora…
FOOTSTEPS, a Clarion
Chukwurah Concept.
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